Hi David,

Instead of including it into the Core OSG, a possible addition should be a
XPath visitor class (deriving from NodeVisitor) into osgUtil, which takes
the query and traverse the tree to get the results.

I think it's a bit intrusive to put such a feature into the core node class,
and making a visitor is more in the OSG philosophy.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:31 PM, David Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if there are any plans on adding some sort of
> search-querys into osg, XPath for example?
> Something like:
> osg::Node* n = Group->SelectSingleNode("//[EMAIL PROTECTED]"node1\"]");
> std::vector<osg::Node*> nodeList =
> Group->SelectMultipleNodes("/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"somethingelse\");
> or, just get a node based on their names.
> osg::Node* n = Group->SelectNode("/Tank/Turret");
> If any of this has already been addressed i would be happy if someone
> would point me in the correct direction.
> For thoose not familiar with XPath, its a way to search thorough XML-nodes.
> See. http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp?output=print
> David Johansson
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