Is there a linking flag you can use to change the generated .pdb filename 
in Visual Studio?  If so, you could simply use CMake to tweak the targets 
that have conflicting names (see set_target_properties() command)

...... Original Message .......
On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 22:45:13 -0500 "James Killian" 
>Thanks for response... I'll look into that... but first there is a bigger 
problem with osgviewer.  I'll have to double check, but by default the 
Applications osgviewer and osgViewer (dll) writing the same pdb file to the 
same place, and guess which one get overwritten (No windows does not allow 
case sensitive duplicate files)...  Yep the DLL one, the one I need to see 
in my call stack crash.  Grrrr 
>I think the Application osgviewer project name should be renamed, or these 
.exe files build their pdbs to a different folder (preferably renamed).  
Can someone verify this is a legitimate problem... thanks.
>James Killian
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Philip Lowman
>To: OpenSceneGraph Users
>Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:52 PM
>Subject: Re: [osg-users] INSTALL include pdb's
>On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:40 PM, James Killian 
>Hmmm no one has responded... I can figure out where in cmake to make the 
change, if I add it would anyone have any objections?
>(If no one responds... I'll assume its fine to add)
>I believe you'll want to have a look at the INSTALL(FILES...) and/or 
possibilities.  If you end up needing ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND consider using 
"cmake -E copy_if_different" instead of "copy".  I'm out of town and don't 
have access to a VS development environment otherwise I think I could come 
up with something for you.
>This may also not be a bad feature to add to CMake itself if simply 
deploying the PDB files alongside the debug DLL file buys you this 
>Philip Lowman
>osg-users mailing list
>osg-users mailing list
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