Hi GuiYe,

I'm afraid I could not easily understand your email, so will have to
guess at what you meant.  Is it that you want to do an offscreen
render of your scene at higher resolution that the frame buffer, and
then write this to disk.

If this is the question your are answering then the answer is to use a
pbuffer or FBO to create the desired size of image, render to this,
then copy the image and write it to disk.  The osgscreencapture
example has an example of using a pbuffer to do offscreen rendering.


2008/8/29 GuiYe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   Hello~~
>     I want to ask a question about how to write(osgDB::writeImageFile()) a
> capture_screen_image that I hope it's size bigger than the window size into
> the disk.For example,my window size is 1280*1024,but the size of image is
> 2560*1024.I use scaleImage(),but it doesn't work.
>     Can you tell me what should I do?Thank you~~~~~~~~~
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