oops sorry bad mailing list

Cedric Pinson wrote:

Here a patch to add a packet in client side (pokerexplain.py). This packet translate the player bet and player amount into chips stack unit. Like bet2pot, or player2bet packet. So now each poker_player_chips sent to the client is accompagned with a poker_client_player_chips. The patch add the functionality and an update of test related to update of chips of player.

Something not related with my patch:
I noticed that in test the chips stack unit works fine but when connected to the table like jspoker.pokersource.info:20380 gameid:121 the chips value seems to not be known because every packet generated on the client side after a normalize + a pokerchips the result is something like [1,5000]
Would it be possible the chips value are not sent to the clients ?



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