2008/9/30 Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Yup, the mfc example is broken.

Doh, ignore me. Just problems with loading plugins, it fails silently...
Mind you the MFC version keeps flashing the screen black when resizing
the one I wrote which uses setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow doesn't.

> If you don't mind it being single threaded, have a look at the osgViewerGtk
> one.
> I adapted that to work with OwlNext2 in about half an hour.
> you want something like this:
> osgViewer::GraphicsWindow*    m_pWindow =
> m_pViewer->setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow(0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom);
> osgViewer::Viewer*
>  m_pViewer->setThreadingModel(osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded);
> then forward window events on using
>  void TGlWindow::EvMouseMove(uint /*modKeys*/, TPoint& point)
>  {
>     m_pWindow->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion(point.x, point.y);
>  }
> Repeat for other windows messages.
> Not sure what's wrong with the MFC one at the mo, I was going to start
> poking around
> but then it was the end of the working day! :)
> Jesper D. Thomsen wrote:
>> Hi again all,
>>  I have an existing MFC application with a window based on Cview, which
>> have been used as an OpenGL rendering canvas. I have now disabled the OpenGL
>> rendering of the window and instead replicated the osgviewermfc example in
>> my application in exactly the same way as in the example.
>>  The problem is that I can't get my model to render, even though the
>> backgroundcolor is defined and rendered by the osg viewer.
>>  When debugging the application I noticed that the
>> viewer-view-_slaves-[0]-_projectionOffset-_mat-[0]...[3]-[0] values change
>> from their initialisation from "addslave" to "-1.#IND00000000000" right
>> after i dispatch the rendering thread. This off course causes further
>> problems in frame() with other values going bad.
>>  My question is whether OSG could be doing this, or if it must be the
>> original application writing somewhere it shouldn't? Or does OSG use som
>> standard OpenGL variables which might be overwritten by the existing
>> application?
>>  Regards, and I know this problem is rightly irritating, but I hope
>> somebody can give me some hints.
>> Jesper D. Thomsen
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