Hi Roger,

I tested my code on GeForce 6200. First I tried using integer uniform like:

uniform int stage
vec4 texcolor = gl_TexCoord[ stage ];

Such code was causing GLSL compilation errors suggesting that in this
profile uniform indices cannot be used. I was however assured by others that
such construct works on higher end boards ;-) I guess GeForce 8800 and above
may do this.

Then I tried to use search and replace but to simplify modifications
declared stage as const int.

const int stage = 0;
vec4 texcolor = gl_TexCoord[ stage ];

It worked on my 6200 but again got reports from others that this did not
compile on some boards (some ATI ? I am not sure...). So I ended up with
solution replacing whole gl_TexCoord[ index ] expressions. Adding integer
index uniform, variable or const does not solve all problems though. Vertex
shaders use gl_MultiTexCoord0..gl_MultiTexCoordN symbols. There is no way to
index that, unless some recent GL spec have added indexed versions. This was
one more reason I gave up and created alist of symbols that are searched and
replaced when user changes indices.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roger James
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 6:31 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Bug in osgShadow::ShadowMap

Hi Wojciech,

I was building against 2.6.0 so I had not seen your code. Having looked
at it now it certainly seems a more sophisticated approach! It also
looks like you avoid killing the ambient light which ShadowMap does!

Going back to your comments, can you confirm that some architectures do
not allow gl_TexCoord[uniform int variable] and gl_TexCoord[int
variable] but do allow gl_TexCoord[int constant], or do they also allow
local integer variables (i.e. gl_TexCoord[int variable]) to be used. It
would be useful to know what architectures you had problems with. It
would seem to be a pretty major violation of the OpenGLSL grammars
definition of postfix expressions. On the nVidia Quaddro that I am
testing with, using an integer variable in the postfix works fine. I now
realise from reading the OpenGLSL spec that I cannot  extract the
texture unit from the sampler or vice-versa. So I would have to pass in
another uniform. However from what you are saying I would not be able to
make that work in all circumstances anyway!


Wojciech Lewandowski wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> During work on inclusion ViewDependentShadows into osgShadow I was
> dealing with similar problem. Certain architectures allow to use
> integer unifrom as gl_TexCoord index but others do not. After few
> different approaches I ended up with old school search and replace in
> Shader text. This code is now currently added to osg svn. You may try
> osgShadow::StandardShadowMap which is roughly equivalent of
> osgShadow::ShadowMap and see if it works better for you.
> Cheers,
> Wojtek
> From: "Roger James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
> Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 2:10 PM
> Subject: [osg-users] Bug in osgShadow::ShadowMap
>> The fragment shaders in  osgShadow::ShadowMap uses hard coded values
>> to access the texture coordinates (gl_TexCoord[])  passed from the
>> fixed functionality.
>> gl_FragColor = gl_Color * (osgShadow_ambientBias.x + shadow2DProj(
>> osgShadow_shadowTexture, gl_TexCoord[0] ) * osgShadow_ambientBias.y);
>> and
>> gl_FragColor = color * (osgShadow_ambientBias.x + shadow2DProj(
>> osgShadow_shadowTexture, gl_TexCoord[1] ) * osgShadow_ambientBias.y);
>> This means that if the ShadowMap::setTextureUnit function is used to
>> set the shadow texture to a non default value the shader will not
>> function. I verfied this and tried to fix it using my own shader
>> passed in using ShadowMap::addShader. However when I tried to make my
>> code more general purpose and suitable for submission as a patch I
>> have run up against the limit of my knowledge of fragment shaders. My
>> first question is about how to get round gl_Texcoord being defined as
>> varying and of indeterminate size. Anyone know how to explicitly
>> declare it (as OpenGL Shading Language book say you have to, but does
>> not tell you how, page 72 in my copy). I am assuming my code (below)
>> works by chance and may not on other drivers as it does not do this.
>> Also is there any way to convert a sampler2DShadow type into an int
>> so I can avoid having to pass in another uniform to tell the shader
>> what the shadow texture unit is. A problem with having to pass in
>> another uniform is that the current implementation does not allow this.
>> Here is my current test code.
>>    static const char fragmentShaderSource_withBaseTexture[] =
>>        "uniform sampler2D osgShadow_baseTexture; \n"
>>        "uniform sampler2DShadow osgShadow_shadowTexture; \n"
>>        "uniform vec2 osgShadow_ambientBias; \n"
>>        "\n"
>>        "void main(void) \n"
>>        "{ \n"
>>        "    int ShadowUnit = 3; \n"
>>        "    vec4 color = gl_Color * texture2D( osgShadow_baseTexture,
>> gl_TexCoord[0].xy ); \n"
>>        "    gl_FragColor = color * (osgShadow_ambientBias.x +
>> shadow2DProj( osgShadow_shadowTexture, gl_TexCoord[ShadowUnit] ) *
>> osgShadow_ambientBias.y); \n"
>>        "}\n";
>> Comments anyone?
>> Roger
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