Hello Art,

What svn revision or tag should we grab? Thanks.


On Oct 5, 2008, at 7:07 PM, Art Tevs wrote:

Hi folks,

After long time, I would like to tag new version of osgPPU (tested with osg
There is a lot of changes in comparison to the previous version:
- ShaderAttribute a class derived from StateAttribute making an easy access to
shader programs (something like a wrapper for osg::Program)
- Works now also in DrawThreadPerContext and CullDrawThreadPerContext
threading models.
- Supports Render-To-Texture for CubeMap and 3D textures (one can use osgPPU
to fill out 3D texture for example)
- some small new examples (e.g. real time video processing)

One of the main things is, that multithreading seems to work now. However I
haven't tested it extensively. For my cases it seems to work fine.

I would like to ask you to test the current version in the svn.

Very appreciated and best regards,

P.S. Just for the case, here is the link:

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