HI Y'all
(OSG 2.61)
My colleague has a problem he's trying to solve. In that once the cull
has gone through and done its stuff , we need to be able to post process
all the nodes that have passed the cull to be dispatched to the draw, we
cannot do this in the cull itself as we have to find details about the
nodes spatial neighbors in order to modify parts of the geometry based
on things like the neighbors level of detail among other things
Is there a way to get the node list at the end of the cull traversal or
will we have to replace the standard cull traverser with our own that
makes saves off a list of nodes that will be dispatched


Gordon Tomlinson

Product Manager 3D
Email  : gtomlinson @ overwatch.textron.com
(C): (+1) 571-265-2612
(W): (+1) 703-437-7651

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