Hi Mike,

Um... I guess you haven't read the thread about managing ten's of
thousands of osg::Box's yesterday....

So go read the last two days emails as a back ground.

In the case of sphere's I'd see if you can get away with point
sprites, if you can then this will be the most efficient way forward.
Personally I'd create a set of osg::Geometry containing as many points
as you have targets, or perhaps even just one to be lazy, and then use
point sprites to make this points/or textured targets.  Then just
update the positions of the points per frame when required.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 8:40 PM, Mike Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I need to be a little more detailed in my project:  I am simulating
> a vehicle driving down a test range with a sensor looking for targets. As a
> target is found, I add a geode->shapeDrawable(sphere) for each discovered
> target. As more hits are made by the sensor, the orientation, position, and
> scale of each of these spheres can change dynamically.
> So I have a PAT as the parent of each geode to facilitate the transforms for
> each target. The problem is frame rate drops significantly as I add more and
> more targets (I may need up to 10000 of them!). I tried using the
> detailRatio on the sphere to reduce the number of polygons which helped a
> little, but not significantly. I have also tried using just a six-sided box
> as representative instead of the sphere, but still saw drastic frame rate
> drops. The osgStats show that most of the time is spent in the CULL process.
> My question - is there a better way of handling a large number of objects
> that must each be individually manipulated dynamically for the duration of
> the program (i.e., not static)?
> Im using a fairly
> Mike Greene
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