Thanks for the quick reply, Robert.

It's really the flattening that I require, and not necessarily the type

For example, I see that osgconv doesn't change the type of the top level
Transform node, but it does flatten it so that its transform is the
identity. In my app, however, this top level transform is simply not
flattened; the matrix is still non-identity.

To be pedantic, I added a top level Group above my (previous) top level
Transform. In my app, this Transform remains unflattened.

My app maintains other ref_ptrs into this scene graph, could this be the
problem? To check, I set a breakpoint in Referenced::referenceCount() just
before calling optimize(). Aside from the explicit calls in
FSTV::apply(Geode&) for the vertex and normal arrays, FSTV does not appear
to query the referenceCount of any Node. So I suspect this is not the issue.

So I'm really quite stumped. I know it's difficult to debug remotely, but
this app is rather large and impractical to share. Guidance on debugging
would be appreciated.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Robert Osfield
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:35 PM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] Problems flattening static transforms
> Hi Paul,
> I'm just online briefly so I'll give you my first thought as 
> what is amiss.  Optimizer::optimize() method takes a 
> reference to the scene graph to optimize, this means that it 
> can't change it's type, so it can't flatten it.  If you place 
> a Group above it and then optimize it'll be able to optimize 
> the node away.
> One could possibly write an additional method that takes a 
> pointer to a scene graph node and then return the new scene 
> graph with potentially a new root node.  For compatibility 
> we'd need to keep the present one.
> Robert.
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Paul Martz 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all -- I have a scene graph containing multiple static 
> transforms. 
> > My application runs the osgUtil::Optimizer on this scene 
> graph. This 
> > should flatten all the static transforms. Unfortunately, 
> the result is 
> > that all the transforms flatten _except_ for the top level 
> transform. 
> > If I do an osgconv on this same scene graph, all the static 
> transforms 
> > flatten -- they are converted to Group nodes, and their 
> > transformations are folded into the geometry. Clearly, the 
> issue isn't 
> > with the scene graph itself, but it's something my app is 
> doing wrong when it invokes the Optimizer. My dilemma:
> > why doesn't this work properly for osgconv, but not for my app?
> >
> > I have dug into thisu  for quite some time now, trying to 
> uncover the 
> > difference between osgconv (which works) and my code (which 
> doesn't work).
> > Here's what I know so far:
> >
> > * I've written a small test app to try to reproduce the problem. It 
> > loads the scene graph, runs the Optimizer, and writes the 
> scene graph back out.
> > Unfortunately, it works properly, just like osgconv. It 
> flattens all 
> > the transforms. I'm unable to reproduce the problem in 
> anything other 
> > than my
> > (larger) application. This must be a bug in my code, I must 
> be doing 
> > something wrong.
> >
> > * I have verified that the problem is not non-STATIC transforms, 
> > multiple parents, or ProxyNodes. The same scene graph works fine in 
> > osgconv and my little test app, so it isn't a scene graph issue. I 
> > believe my app handles the scene graph the same as in these 
> other two apps, which work.
> >
> > * Yes I'm invoking the Optimizer the same way, with no 
> flags. I'm sure 
> > that the OSG_OPTIMIZER variable is not set in the 
> environment. I get 
> > the same behavior if I just pass the FLATTEN_STATIC_TRANSFORMS flag 
> > (top level node fails to flatten). If I set 
> still works properly and flattens all transforms.
> >
> > * ObjectStruct has a Boolean called 
> _moreThanOneMatrixRequired. In my 
> > app, this gets set to true at Optimizer.cpp line 826. This doesn't 
> > happen when running osgconv or my small test code. This seems to be 
> > part of the problem, but the root cause that triggers this 
> event is still unknown to me.
> >
> > I'll attach the scene graph in question, though I doubt it will do 
> > anyone much good, because it works fine in osgconv and my 
> simple test 
> > app. It only fails in my larger app. Note the top level Node named 
> > "CenterOfMassOffset"; this is the transform that refuses to flatten.
> >
> > I'm wondering if anyone has encountered the same issue 
> before, has any 
> > info on how to resolve the issue, or might know how to 
> proceed with debugging it.
> > Notify level DEBUG_INFO does not produce any enlightening 
> information.
> >
> > I admit I'm stumped on this one. It's extremely out of the ordinary 
> > when OSG doesn't just do what I expect it to. I appreciate any info.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Paul Martz
> > Skew Matrix Software LLC
> >
> > +1 303 859 9466
> >
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