From the peanut gallery (since I'm watching this with great interest)...

If this new node kit is only going to handle skeleton-based animation then maybe osgAnimation is not the best name.

Jan Ciger wrote:
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Hi Eric,

Erik den Dekker wrote:
Jan, I followed your comments to Cedric and above with interest. You made
several important remarks to ensure that osgAnimation will properly support
character animation / skeletal animation.
However, I wonder if you are not putting too much emphasis on just this
aspect while there may be more ways to do and use animation. It is my
understanding that animation means that a certain aspect of a scene is under
control so it can be changed over time. This aspect is usually orientation,
position or scale, but may also be color, a float weight, a bool, a string,
etc... maybe some custom type. IMHO osg should take a generic approach
towards animation, albeit probably not too generic :).

I think that basic position/orientation/scale style animation is
supported by OSG already. No need to reinvent the wheel there.

Perhaps 3D studio max
(or similar - I just happen to have some experience with this app) can be
taken as an example how to approach animation. It uses animation controllers
and key frame animation to implement animation and in my experience this is
quite flexible. I wonder how far osgAnimation should go in replicating
similar functionality.

That's fine, however I would be extremely wary of an all-encompassing
animation framework that tries to do everything and does nothing well. I
think that it is better to take the "Unix-like" approach - a set of
small tools that do one thing, but do it really well. That means, that
if you need only translation/rotation/scaling you use a simple
keyframing support that is in OSG already, if you need skeleton you use
osgAnimation or osgCal, if you need morphing, you use a (yet not
existing) morphing library.

The only thing these things have in common is a that they vary over
time. That is already well supported in OSG - both the real time and
simulation time.

There is nothing else really common in the code and shoehorning all this
into one is not a good thing from the maintainability and usability
point of view. The Max example is a red herring - unless you plan to
develop an animation package, it has little relation to OSG.  In Max it
makes sense to have all under a "single roof", because the animator
usually uses several of the tools at once and Max authors cannot predict
whether he or she is going to make characters or animate flying boxes.
However, the underlying code is very different under the hood for each

That said, there is nothing that prevents Cedric (or someone else) to
implement e.g. support for morph targets in the skeletal animation lib
or making osgAnimation a collection of tools to support different types
of animation instead of just a skeleton-based one. However, I think that
this is as far as it should go - if you need something special, you are
better off developing a special tool for it, than trying to "bend" the
existing codebase to do things it was not intended for.

This said, I must admit that I have only quickly glanced over osgAnimation
in its current state, and I believe it already supports much of what I

I am not sure what you mean - right now all it does is a simple software
skinning of models animated via skeletons. There isn't really a notion
of a controller or anything.



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