
Although I've thrown together a few small client/server programs, I haven't
really developed a large-scale project involving networking.  My current
project is an MMO/FPS hybrid with a fast movement system similar to Quake 3,
Warsow, HL2:CTF, etc.  Bullet Physics have already been implemented into my
engine, and integrate with OSG well.  However I'm rather concerned about the
manner in which I should handle client/server physics prediction and
interpolation (if any) over the network.  For example, there are two 'modes'
to my engine such that standard MMO interaction in the world is handled like
many other MMOs--there is a great deal of latency as many characters and
enemies are shared among clients.  However, in certain areas of my game
world, there are 'deathmatch zones', such that players in this zone interact
on a level closer to standard arena-style games such as Quake 3.  Missions
in the game world are handled in a similar manner; all players in a party
see an instance of the world with only the information that is necessary for
that mission.  (Think of co-op in a single-player game, but sharing the
level geometry with an MMO world)  As you can see, it might be best to apply
multiple client/server models to this problem.

Nevertheless, I'm most concerned about the real-time portions of this game
(deathmatch zones and co-op play for missions). I'm not too worried about
client/server synchronization when the character is simply exploring the
world, as there would be no advantage to a cheating player.  Only in the
Co-op and deathmatch areas, would client/server synchronization be necessary
to ensure consistency between clients.  This is just as much an issue with
OSG as it is with Bullet, as I'm mostly concerned about a certain degree of
consistency in visual representation of the world state across clients.
>From what I understand, OSG has mostly been used for multi-client setups
over LAN for visualization of particularly large or detailed scenes.  Might
anyone have experience with networking and interpolation integration with
OSG?  Are there any existing protocols or examples implemented or integrated
with OSG to handle interpolation for both high and low latency scenarios?

Any recommendations or help will be greatly appreciated,

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