Jeremy Moles wrote:

I've always been under the impression that gtk_init() has to be called
first before any fuction that begins with gtk_*, have you tried moving
it as the first call instead of disable_setlocale?

What if you call gtk_init() in the "main" code before doing anything
that forces the loading of the plugin?

Yeah, gtk_init() definitely needs to be the first GTK call you make.

I've also run into problems with GTK managing resources in one thread and GLX resources being created or destroyed in another thread. I'm not sure that's what's happening here (I got crashes, not hangs), but it might be worth mentioning.

The only other thing would be to make absolutely sure that all of the GTK calls are done from one thread. GTK *cannot* be multi-threaded under windows, and it requires some special handling under other OS's.


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