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PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 25 Nov 2008 17:27:34 +0100, Sukender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Hi Robert,
> As a Windows user (and Linux too, but I definitively don't have enough time), 
> I'd like to tell that dependencies are somtimes a pain. I easily come to 
> trouble with versions confilcts (When using a lib in an app that already 
> exists in a OSG plugin, such as libcurl).
> And about deployement of binaries, I think some people should be *explicitly* 
> assigned to compilation/deployment of a specific binary set. My idea is that 
> a kind of chart should be maintained (maybe by you?) that indicates sets to 
> be compiled. These sets should indicate:
> - platform
> - compiler
> - OSG version (Stable or developper release)
> - dependencies versions
> - and various options.
> Each set would be assigned to one or more people (the first one that compiled 
> the set uploads it to the server). Does it sound right for you?
> Of course, these sets are to be discussed...
> For me, the set I compile looks like:
> - Win32
> - VC8 SP1
> - All stable OSG releases + some developper releases
> - Dependencies found in 
> - Libs: Freetype, giflib, jpeg, png, tiff, zlib. All OSG wrappers. All 
> plugins available with given dependencies. All exemples and applications. 
> Release and Debug configurations only.
> (The resulting dir is >1GB, >100MB when 7Zip'ed)
> I'd like to help as much as I can for OSG 2.8, just tell me if you want some 
> things to be tested under Windows.
> Sukender
> PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
> Le Tue, 25 Nov 2008 16:09:20 +0100, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a 
> écrit:
>> Hi All,
>> Development wise I'm working towards getting OpenSceneGraph-2.8 in the
>> not too distant future.  One aspect I'd like to improve on before this
>> release is putting together better packing support for the various
>> platforms that we have.  For instance the OSG has/is/should continue
>> distributed in binary form either a win32 binaries/OSX binaries, as
>> well as the major linux distributions.  I can't hope to have all the
>> experitise, time and hardware/sofwtware resources to do this package
>> building, but I would like to help facilate making it easier for
>> others to do so, and for there to be greater continuity between the
>> packaging composition/naming.  So I'd start a discussion with those
>> knowledge on each platform - what your needs are, and for OSG users
>> themselves to help refine how it would make most sense for you.
>> One area that I'd like to resolve is the packaging granularity.  The
>> OSG is now packing more functionality than ever before, much of this
>> like osgWidget and osgAnimation don't have an external dependencies,
>> so can easily be placed in the base package, but not facilities like
>> browser support, pdf support, vnc clients, as well as existing support
>> for plugins like Collada are all items that while really useful to
>> some, would be a rather weighty payload for others.  I therefore
>> believe it would be sensible for use to have a series of
>> OpenSceneGraph packages, a base package, and a base package set of
>> dependneices, then a series of add on packages that add extra features
>> and with it their dependencies.
>> Right now we have the OSG itself has an
>> OpenSceneGraph/packaging/pkconfig directory, and this contains an
>> openthreads.pc and openscenegraph.pc files.  Looking at these files
>> they don't lists all the OSG dependencies, and they obviously don't
>> break it down like I'm advocating above.  I'm also aware that on
>> debain there are plenty of other configuration files associated with
>> the debian packaging.   What I feel would be appropriate would for us
>> to centralise this, and make full use of the existing packing
>> directory, full it out as required.  I also feel the granularity needs
>> to be addressed - but what sets of packaging and naming would be
>> appropriate?
>> Thanks in advance for you help/thoughts/wisdom,
>> Robert.
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