Hi Robert,

For gentoo package it's nice to be able to setup option in the cmakelists.txt then i can add option on the package to select module to compile and install. It's already the case so i dont need more. In my opinion the main issue is windows, I tried to build an openscenegraph environment on windows, and it's not as easy. The dependencies are to be rebuild if not up to date (i get visual express edition 9 and not binary are available), so i get the work from mike on the svn but not works out of the box. More work are needed to make it work out of the box. And i suppose that most of people do it, and this work is not shared and commited somewhere.

Maybe someone could be responsible to store build of dependancies on a svn or other for differents version of osg and visual
or other compilator.


Sukender wrote:
Hi Robert,

As a Windows user (and Linux too, but I definitively don't have enough time), 
I'd like to tell that dependencies are somtimes a pain. I easily come to 
trouble with versions confilcts (When using a lib in an app that already exists 
in a OSG plugin, such as libcurl).

And about deployement of binaries, I think some people should be *explicitly* 
assigned to compilation/deployment of a specific binary set. My idea is that a 
kind of chart should be maintained (maybe by you?) that indicates sets to be 
compiled. These sets should indicate:
- platform
- compiler
- OSG version (Stable or developper release)
- dependencies versions
- and various options.
Each set would be assigned to one or more people (the first one that compiled 
the set uploads it to the server). Does it sound right for you?
Of course, these sets are to be discussed...

For me, the set I compile looks like:
- Win32
- VC8 SP1
- All stable OSG releases + some developper releases
- Dependencies found in 
- Libs: Freetype, giflib, jpeg, png, tiff, zlib. All OSG wrappers. All plugins 
available with given dependencies. All exemples and applications. Release and 
Debug configurations only.
(The resulting dir is >1GB, >100MB when 7Zip'ed)

I'd like to help as much as I can for OSG 2.8, just tell me if you want some 
things to be tested under Windows.

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine - http://pvle.sourceforge.net/

Le Tue, 25 Nov 2008 16:09:20 +0100, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

Hi All,

Development wise I'm working towards getting OpenSceneGraph-2.8 in the
not too distant future.  One aspect I'd like to improve on before this
release is putting together better packing support for the various
platforms that we have.  For instance the OSG has/is/should continue
distributed in binary form either a win32 binaries/OSX binaries, as
well as the major linux distributions.  I can't hope to have all the
experitise, time and hardware/sofwtware resources to do this package
building, but I would like to help facilate making it easier for
others to do so, and for there to be greater continuity between the
packaging composition/naming.  So I'd start a discussion with those
knowledge on each platform - what your needs are, and for OSG users
themselves to help refine how it would make most sense for you.

One area that I'd like to resolve is the packaging granularity.  The
OSG is now packing more functionality than ever before, much of this
like osgWidget and osgAnimation don't have an external dependencies,
so can easily be placed in the base package, but not facilities like
browser support, pdf support, vnc clients, as well as existing support
for plugins like Collada are all items that while really useful to
some, would be a rather weighty payload for others.  I therefore
believe it would be sensible for use to have a series of
OpenSceneGraph packages, a base package, and a base package set of
dependneices, then a series of add on packages that add extra features
and with it their dependencies.

Right now we have the OSG itself has an
OpenSceneGraph/packaging/pkconfig directory, and this contains an
openthreads.pc and openscenegraph.pc files.  Looking at these files
they don't lists all the OSG dependencies, and they obviously don't
break it down like I'm advocating above.  I'm also aware that on
debain there are plenty of other configuration files associated with
the debian packaging.   What I feel would be appropriate would for us
to centralise this, and make full use of the existing packing
directory, full it out as required.  I also feel the granularity needs
to be addressed - but what sets of packaging and naming would be

Thanks in advance for you help/thoughts/wisdom,
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