Hi all,

Forgot to mention the timings below are with a release mode build of our application. I'll see if I can transpose the results in a basic osgviewer-based app using the same technique... Perhaps there's something screwy with our scene graph.

In any case, if anyone has any comments about the results and questions below, I'd be very interested in reading them. Thanks,


The following random bytes came from Jean-Sébastien Guay's keyboard :
Hi all,

As I said before, I'm working on a modeling-type application. To give feedback of which object is selected, I'd like to outline it in white (or any color).

I've currently got two implementations of an outline effect (using osgFX::Effect), one of which uses the stencil buffer, the other which doesn't but does basically the same things (render back faces as lines, with a line width of 3, with a depth function of LEQUAL, etc.). Pretty classic.

In both cases, my cull, draw and GPU times jump inordinately high when the effect is active. For a pretty simple object, I get the following:

Without effect:
Cull 0.4
Draw 0.5
GPU  0.12

With effect:
Cull 1.43
Draw 2.3
GPU  2.7

That seems apalling to me... I would think the time would *at most* double, and I would be hesitant to use the effect if it did. So more than triple is just too much.

Is there some explanation for this? More importantly, is there some other technique I could use to get an outline around my object, which would have less of an impact? What do others do to get similar effects?

Thanks in advance,


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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