Hartmut Seichter ha scritto:

I have a student working on this problem - to add the flag is good and fixes the problem temporarily but in general osgSWIG needs a more scalable approach.
Nice to hear, are there any preview of the new wrapping layout? any hints on when this will be available?
We are currently stuck with a  OSG 2.4 VS7.1 version of osgSwig.
I' ve tried suggestion on http://code.google.com/p/osgswig/issues/detail?id=13#c5 and it helps, but still compilation times takes ages. I could also try to switch to VS 2005 even if it seems a bit harder to distribute (needs runtime installation on XP) and also
Python 2.5 binary distribution is built with VS7.1 .

Any progress on the

MixinVector (http://code.google.com/p/osgswig/issues/detail?id=12) issue?


Randolph Fritz wrote:
I'm writing this up so that people who aren't cmake experts have a note about this workaround.

For my next trick, I tried building this on Windows using Visual C++. After some blundering around, I found that adding /bigobj flag to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS (edit the field in the cmake GUI--it is one of the "advanced" options) makes the build go, but only on Visual Studio 2005 and later.

MS acknowledges the problem and recognizes that machine-generated code may trigger it in the page at <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173499(VS.80).aspx>.

Reported at <http://code.google.com/p/osgswig/issues/detail?id=13>.

Randolph Fritz
  design machine group
  architecture department
  university of washington

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