Hi Andy,

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:11 AM, li chao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    1. how to add two OSG files into one viewer and the two things can view?

Have you looked at any of the examples?  Lots of them collate
different models together in different ways.  Try osganimate.  Also
practicing your source code search skills as it's invaluable for
answer many questioning.  Try searching the example directory for the
keyword readNodeFile and then look at the examples that have
readNodeFile multiple times.

>    2. I have a  terrain file and have another terrain files which is part of
> the first terrain files. but they are have different coordinates. what
> should we do can integrate the two terrain files into one viewer.

This is pretty open ended.  What do you mean by different coordinates?
 Different coordinate systems?  Different scales? Are they imported
from different tools and should overlap?  Should they sit side by

>    3. how to transform the coordinates form one stly to another?
>    may be the three questions talke the same thing,do you understand me? i

I can understand your english fine, but... there isn't really enough
specific information to know what the problem you are trying to tackle
as it's too open ended, what solution to choose depends on the actual
problem you have in hand, without knowing this one can't give a
specific answer.   The best guess I can give is look at
osg::MatrixTransform, but I really couldn't say if this is appropriate
to your problem.

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