Hi all,

    I think I have a problem with the render order of the CompositeViewer.
    I am trying to program a osg-based windowed application that shows a 3D 
animated object centered in the right middle of the window. Moreover, it has a 
background image that fills all the window, including the right middle (behind 
the 3D model). I want that the application is modular, in the sense that 
depending the initial width and height fo the window, the 3D object appears 
always centered in the right middle.
    For doing that, I have created a CompositeViewer with 2 views, one of them 
setting the viewport to all the window and putting the background as SceneData, 
and the other one with the right middle size for putting the 3D object, but I 
only see the backgorund image. It seems like the backgorund image is always in 
the front, because if I delete its view, the 3D object is well positioned.
    Could be something related with the render order? If it is, how could I 
tell CompositeViewer to draw the background before the 3D model? Else, is it a 
good idea using the CompositeViewer for this kind of issue?

Thank you in advance,

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