
what are you viewing the output with? Maybe the automatic home position calculation of osgviewer is making things blurry?



first, sorry that i've opened this 2nd thread, but i got no access to my old 
mails on work and the osg servers are still down ...

Yesterday I've tried to localize the issue on using pure OpenGL in my custom 
drawables. To get more detailed informations I've scap down my complete test 
environment to a single test drawable, where i use this single pure OpenGL 
render call to check what's going wrong:

void TestDrawable::drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const
  std::cout<<"in TestDRW draw implementation"<<std::endl;

  glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        glVertex3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);           
glEnd(); glDisable(GL_POINT_SPRITE);

On construction of this TestDrawable, i set only the use of DisplayLists to false, to get access on the drawImplementation method on each render call, nothing more, no magic. This drawable is only added to a simple geode wich is the single element of the scene graph... I got the same issues (x value on opposite side as expected) as I've described in my other thread.
What me confused is, that the point sprite is rendered correctly (on the right 
side of the coordinate system with a positive x value*) if i add any reference 
model to the scene (in my case a simple osg shape). If i remove the model, the 
point sprite is rendered on the left side of the origin, independend if i use 
glPush or not  ...

I've checked several other osg sources which uses pure OpenGL calls (i.e. 
osgSim::ImpostorSprite or osg::ShapeDrawable) and it seems to me that I've done 
all correctly. Each reference source does the same ...

I would be verry appreciative if anyone could me push in the right direction 
before I'm getting nuts...

Best regards,

P.S.: I've attached the single Testdrawable and my main class to show you more 
*(If the reference model is added to the scene graph i could also see that the point sprite is sometime culled in point of my view, but i thing this may be a problem with the actually hacked getBounds method of the drawable, which returns no valid bounding box.)


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