2.4.5 is also the only binary package (that I know of, at least) that is available for Red Hat Enterprise 5. If you're taking votes, I'd prefer keeping support for 2.4.5.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 20, 2008, at 5:38 PM, Mattias Helsing <helsin...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Robert,

my kids woke each other up so it took an hour to click that send button :-)

As I said though we would need to require 2.4.7. I guess for win32
too. I personally would prefer to up the required cmake version
because i'm not very fond of the IF(major_version == 2 AND
minor_version > y) since they will all break when cmake-3.0 arrives.
The IF(POLICY CMPxxx) is much better in that respect and easier to
read and understand. Also, the fact that this hasn't been reported
before proves that not many developers still use cmake pre 2.4.7

On the other hand etch still uses 2.4.5. I don't know if this is
important to you. Is it?

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Robert Osfield
<robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Fred and Mattias,

I've download cmake 2.4.5 and get the Error:

  make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 255

And on comment out the block:

     if(POLICY CMP0008)
          cmake_policy(SET CMP0008 OLD)
     endif(POLICY CMP0008)

The error goes away and build commence fine.  The specific problem in
cmake 2.4.5 looks to be how it handles the IF(POLICY CMP0008), if I
comment out just this then it also compiles fine:

     # if(POLICY CMP0008)
          cmake_policy(SET CMP0008 OLD)
     # endif(POLICY CMP0008)

Attempts at using IF(CMAKE_... version ) to optionally use the above
block has failed at my end, just as it did for Fredric. This may well
be a bug in Cmake 2.4.5, but given it looks to be an unofficial
feature of 2.4.5 perhaps it's not too surprising.

What to do about this? How essential is the if(POLICY)? Would it be fine to just go with this commented out? I'm no Cmake expert so can't really answer this, all I know is that block of script came in as part submission and I merged trusting the submission was made be one with a
little more cmake knowledge than myself.  So again I defer to those
more cmake knowledgeable than myself, is it safe to always call
cmake_policy(SET CMP00008 OLD)?

no. I tried this with cmake-2.6.0 and this makes cmake report that
you're trying to set a policy that doesn't exist.

If it's not then I think we'll just have declare cmake 2.4.5
unsupported, and perhaps add the cmake 2.4.6 requirement to the
CMakeLists.txt file?

I tried 2.4.5/6/7/8. This won't start to work until 2.4.7.


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