Hi Roland,

This sounds like a bug in the various image plugins don't detecting a
pixel format that don't support.

The file name extension for compressed files really should be .dds,
but this isn't under the control plugins as you could load an .rgb
file then compress the image at runtime, but still the original file
that source it was an .rgb and this compression code doesn't have an
reason to change this, nor would it even know what to change it to,
this is really an app specific issue. If osgconv has been used to do
the compression then perhaps there is a case for it to do the
compression then change the extension of images that have been


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Roland Smeenk <roland.sme...@tno.nl> wrote:
> Yesterday, I wrote a small visitor to dump all images that were stored inside 
> an .ive. Though the names of the internal textures had a .rgb extension it 
> turned out these were compressed images. When writing the images to either 
> .jpg, .bmp, .rgb the plugins all tried, but failed to write it succesfully. 
> (noisy images and the .jpg even crashes) The .dds writer was of course the 
> proper choice in this case.
> I did not test the image writers comprehensively, but I suspect there are 
> more that have this problem.
> Does there exist a known issues/bug list that we can add this to?
> I know there is the general issue that not all plugins return proper read or 
> write results. This is just a little more specific.
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://osgforum.tevs.eu/viewtopic.php?p=4369#4369
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