ComputeBoundsVisitor only computes bounds for drawables. ie geometry.

2009/2/11 Engvall Åsa <>:
> Hi osg-users!
> I want to use a ComputeBoundsVisitor for finding the bounds of an object.
> The object belongs to the class GroundObject, which is derived from
> osg::Node.
> Please have a look at this short function. The visitor is probably not
> executed, and the resulting bounding box is not valid.
> void GroundObject::calculateDistanceToGround(void)
> {
>         // Calculate distance from local origin to ground.
>         osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbv;
>         accept(cbv);
>         osg::BoundingBox box = cbv.getBoundingBox();
>         if (!box.valid()) ssPrintf("Bounding box is not valid!\n");
>         _distanceToGround = osg::absolute(box.zMin());
> }
> What is wrong here?
> Thanks in advance,
> Åsa Engvall
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