
Alasdair Campbell wrote:
> Hi all, I am new to this list but was inspired to join the mailing list
> following your landmark release of 2.8.0 Congratulations to all
Welcome! A point of nettique though: please don't start a new subject by
replying to existing post, but simply make a new post to the list. In
this case you replied to a thread on memory leak detection on windows,
to which you post has nothing to add.
> While I have been building OSG from way back, I have noticed a couple of
> unresolved dependancies with respect to xulrunner. Namely that OSG has a
> dependacy on xulrunner<=1.8.9, while the current version is 1.9
OSG's gecko plugin is meant to be used with xulrunner 1.8. There have
been API changes in 1.9 that make it incompatible with the current plugin.
> Also, I find a dependancy on xulrunner-js which does not exist on my
> system.
The package naming can be different among Linux distributions, so we
need to keep track of which distro uses which package name.
Note that the naming is probably 1.8-specific, as with 1.9 it seems to
be called libxul-...
>  OSG will build OK, but I wonder if I am losing out by not having
> these dependencies resolved. Any help would be gratefully recieved.
You probably don't have a gecko plugin as a result of not having XUL
1.8. Check your lib/osgPlugins-2.8.0 directory for a osgdb_gecko.so file.
If you don't have it it means you can't run, for example, the osgbrowser

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