A recent thread[1] on the CMake mailing list got me thinking about OSG and
the 3rd party dependency issue on Windows.  To solve this problem in VTK,
the Kitware team basically compiles libjpeg, libtiff, libpng, libfreetype
and more right alongside their source code.  They've already CMakeified all
of this and the code is publicly available on their CVS[2] repository (see
kwpng, kwjpeg, etc.)

It would be very cool to start a folder within OSG's svn for building these
different source packages (but outside the OpenSceneGraph project) that
could be checked out alongside OpenSceneGraph.  CMake could then be
configured to build and link against those libraries while on a Windows
platform where the libraries aren't available.  Obviously this isn't
something you would necessarily do for all dependencies but at least for the
lightweight ones which are absolutely necessary to having a somewhat
functional OSG (jpeg, png, and freetype come to mind).

With most developers having multiple cores, I'm pretty sure you could build
libraries like libtiff and libjpg relatively quickly.  A slower initial
build time and need to redistribute a ZIP file alongside the OSG for WIN32
users would be the only cons I can think of.

Benefits would be
* No need to maintain MSVC 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, MinGW or Cygwin builds of the
libraries since they would build themselves
* Static builds become easier

Furthermore, for libraries that don't "make sense" to build as part of the
OSG like the SDL, additional folders could be created to contain prebuilts
much as is done right now.

Linux and MacOSX users wouldn't be affected by any of this because they
likely would never checkout this folder.

[1] = http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2009-February/026964.html
[2] = http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2009-February/027019.html

Philip Lowman
osg-users mailing list

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