Hi J.P,

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 6:49 AM, J.P. Delport <jpdelp...@csir.co.za> wrote:
>> Gerwin
>> ps. I was hoping for some public ffmpeg plugin implementation to pop
>> up on the list, but either I missed it or it's not yet been released.
> Coming soon..., I hope next week. This would only be one possible
> implementation, but we are using it with success.

Any news about this ffmpeg plugin?  Any chance of it being open sourced? ;-)

This week I'll be looking into possibility using ffmpeg for reading
video, if there already some code out there that does the job then
it'll be great to learn form it, enhance and get it integrated into
the core OSG.

If code isn't possible, then pointers about what you've learnt about
what parts of ffmpeg to use would be good too.

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