
Thanks for the idea. What I ended up doing was subclassing PagedLOD and overriding the addChild() method and doing the init from my overridden method. This way, I could have pointers to my own objects, which were necessary for the initialization.

Thanks for your help,


Jakob Ruhe wrote:

I think you can solve what you want by making sure your own pseudo
loader is used instead. You do this by adding some extension
(.ott_terrain, .ott_model, ...) to the filenames of the children of
your PagedLODs and you register a ReaderWriter that supports those
extensions. You can then in your ReaderWriter remove the extension and
load the real file with the right loader by calling
osgDB::readNodeFile as usual and then do the postprocessing of the
node. Note that all this will be done in a thread created by
DatabasePager. If you need to do some postprocessing in your main
scenegraph thread you can add a callback (update callback or cull
callback) to the node.

If you need an example how this can be done please have a look at osgEarth.

Good luck!

/Jakob Ruhe

2009/4/28 Alan Ott <a...@signal11.us>:
Robert and Bryan,

Thanks for the info. From this, it seems like I can get a handle to the
newly loaded node before it gets added to the main tree. The only thing now
is that once I've got a handle to this node, I don't really know _what_ the
node is supposed to be (is it a terrain tile, a moving model? etc.).

ReadFileCallback::readNode() gives me the ReaderWriterOptions, and it seems
like I could make a new option string telling me how to post-process this
model load, but I can't see how in PagedLOD to set ReaderWriterOptions.

PagedLOD has the setDatabaseRequest() function, which based on another
mailing list post, looks like it is to be used as a "user data" pointer. The
problem here is that I don't know how to get this object from inside the

I simply need to tag each request (made by the PagedLOD) as "terrain" or
"model" so that I know specifically what initialization to do in the

Am I missing something obvious here?

Thanks for your help,


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Alan,

As Bryan wrote, what you need is to write a custom
osgDB::Registry::ReadFileCallback that will intercept all DB calls,
you then leave it up to Registry itself to the do the reading from the
plugin, but then you process the loaded data before passing the end
result back from the callback.  Have a look at the ReadFileCallback
implementation and study the default implementations, this should give
you a clue how to put it together.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Alan Ott <a...@signal11.us> wrote:


I'm using PagedLOD to load terrain tiles off disk. The problem I have is
that before I want the tile to actually render, I want to do a setup of the
tile (to look up certain control nodes and set switches according to the
current state of the system (eg: day/night mode, etc)).

So on my own update(), I check to see if each PagedLOD has just loaded, and
if it has, I run the initialization on it. The problem is, when a tile gets
loaded, it is rendered for one frame _before_ I can do my initialization on
it. So for one frame, it is drawn wrong, then the next frame, it is drawn

I thought I might be able to get around this by setting the Node Mask to 0
until it was initialized, but that seems to just keep the tiles from getting
loaded entirely (because the update traverser isn't getting into the
PagedLOD either).

Do any of you have any ideas of what I could try to do to get around this?
Is there some value of the NodeMask that I could use to enable update but
not draw? Such a value did not seem to be documented in the API.

Thanks for all your help,


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