

When building both VirtualPlanetBuilder and some custom PyOSG bindings
against OSG 2.8.0 I get the following linker error (among others):


1>TaskManager.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
virtual class osg::BoundingSphereImpl<class osg::Vec3d> __thiscall
osg::Group::computeBound(void)const "


The "Vec3d" portion of the error is, in fact, correct.  There is no such
symbol in all of the OSG libs.  There is, however, a




(note that it's a Vec3f).


Is this a difference between OSG 2.6.x and 2.8.0?  Is there a solution?
We've been able to build our PyOSG bindings against OSG 2.6 successfully
without this issue in the past.




Michael Day



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