Hi Romain,

The way I did this was with a custom PickHandler. If you look at the 
PickHandler example - I think its the scribeFX one - you basically get the 
mouse events coming in. It gives you an opportunity to do your line 
intersections to determine the object under the mouse, at which point you can 
decide what cursor you wish to change to. 

Hope this helps.


---- Romain Charbit <romain.char...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi,
> May I ask your guidance for a problem that I have.
> I want to change the cursor of the mouse in function of the object that is 
> under of it. Example, when I'm passing the mouse over a dragger, I want to 
> change the cursor to a Hand.
> I'm on the detection of the object for the moment. I'm using a handler which 
> use a LineSegmentIntersector on every frame. It works but it's kind of slow.
> I've seen on the web about the GL_SELECT OpenGL renderMode which has been 
> design for it. But I've also seen that it's not a good way to do that. 
> Maybe someone has already done something like this or has an idea about it?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Romain Charbit
> ------------------------
> Romain Charbit
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=11520#11520
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