Hello All,

I have noticed that for the past little while the plugins are compiled to
their own directory with the version number.  I am not quite sure why this
is beneficial, it seems like you would always want the plugins compiled with
the version of OSG you have compiled, and it seems that having them in the
same folder with the other binaries ensures that the proper dll's will be
found.  I know when I try to run any of the example projects from Visual
Studio, that it always complains about the plugins not being there until I
copy them all over to the bin directory where the other binaries are.
Perhaps I am doing something wrong and I am missing some really cool feature
related to having them in their own version labeld directory?

I have several versions of OSG on my machine, for different projects, and I
want to avoid the DLL hell that might arise from having an environment
variable or whatever telling me where they go.  Right now I have a bat file
that copies all the files to the same directory as my project, and I have to
make sure I remember to change that whenever the plugin version number
changes.  Is there a way to tell CMake to just put all the binaries in the
same directory?

-- Rick
osg-users mailing list

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