Ultimately I am trying to generate an image where each pixel
represents the distance from the viewer to the content in the pixel.
I guess you could think of it as something like an imaging range


On 6/10/09, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI Wyatt,
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Wyatt Earp<wyattbsearp1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Let me see if I understand this... Assuming I pass no args to the app when
>> I
>> run it, the osgdistortion createDistortionSubgraph first creates a camera
>> which will render the scene to a texture attached to an FBO before the
>> main
>> camera renders the scene.  Then the "hud" camera is created to render the
>> quad textured with the texture created by the previous camera?  So I have
>> two slave cameras in addition to the main camera?
> Yes two slave cameras, and a master camera that is passive - it just
> provides the projection and view matrix for the first of the slaves to
> use for it's projection and modelview matrix, the second camera has
> ignores the master projection and modelview matrix, the two slaves
> achieve this be setting their ReferenceFrame to RELATIVE_RF (the
> default) and ABSOLTE_RF respectively.    The slave Camera's also set
> their RenderOrder to make sure the RTT camera is draw first.
>> How would I render scene to a depth texture?  Do I create a depth texture
>> and attach it to the first camera?
> You just attach the texture you want to the Camera's depth buffer
> component rather than the colour buffer component.
>> Assuming that I want to use the texture created by the first camera as an
>> input to frag shader program, would I need to add a third camera which I
>> would add the shader as is done in the osgshaders example?
> If you want another pass then you might use another camera, but if you
> just do everything in a second pass using the original texture then
> the will be no need to do add another slave camera.  You really don't
> provide enough info on what exactly you are trying to achieve and why
> so I can't really say too much on what you actually need in your case.
> Robert.
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