Hi JS,

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Jean-Sébastien
Guay<jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:
> I've always been confused as to why gcc allows you to declare a function
> with a return value and then not have a return statement in it... This is
> not the first time a similar usage needed to be fixed on Windows (but
> compiled fine on gcc).
> It just seems nonsensical to me, it should be an error. Is there some
> logical reason why it allows this kind of thing?

I does generate warnings, but really should generate an error as no
return type is clearly an undefined value.  The return issue can
sometimes get screwed by buggy compilers so we do occasionally see
warnings when there is no actual error - such as when you have
conditionals so perhaps the gcc developers have shied away from making
it an error report by default.

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