Thank you Mark. I won't worry about it now.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Mark Sciabica<> wrote:
> Hi Dat,
> I wouldn't worry about this "error". It seems that the WGL_ARB_pixel_format
> extension is not provided by your driver. This extension is a prerequisite
> for activating other features such as pixel buffers and multisample
> antialiasing but missing it should otherwise have no adverse effect. I
> believe the system is being somewhat misleading labeling this condition an
> error. It is primarily an informational message.
> Regards,
> Mark
> tien dat wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm using OpenSceneGraph 2.8.1 with my hand-held device (Viliv S5
>> running WinXP Home Edition SP3). When I run my program using
>> osgviewer, I see an error:
>> Window error #127: [Screen #0] ChooseMatchingPixelFormat() -
>> wglChoosePixelFormatARB extension not found, trying GDI. Reason: the
>> specified procedure could not be found.
>> But when I run this program on Vista machine with the same
>> OpenSceneGraph 2.8.1, I don't see this error. So any of you know what
>> this error means, and how to fix it. Actually I still can display the
>> scene fine in the hand-held device, but I just want to fix it.
>> Thanks,
>> Dat
>> -------------
>> Dat Tien Nguyen
>> PhD student, Computer Science Department
>> The University of Iowa, IA 52242
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