Hello, I have encountered this bug where stereo rendering is messed up
when using saved animation path file.  This bug causes the separation
between left and right eye images to be way off, messing up stereo
effect.   Upon initial loading of model, the images are not proper,
but only when using the -p  flag with animation file.  Without using
-p option, the rendering is fine.  I am using an OBJ file, and have
duplicated this bug with OSG version 2.8.0 from fedora 11 repository,
as well as 2.8.2-r2 and svn head as 7-6-2009.  I have duplicated bug
when default stereo mode, as well as QUAD_BUFFER.

Since two images are off on initial loading, I'm guessing its some
initialization issue, I suppose with camera.   The two images move in
sync as camera is rotated and translated, but since they are off
initially, stereo effect just doesn't work.  It looks like the eye
separation is just really huge, maybe like 10x more than it should be
or something.  Please advise on further steps to resolve this issue.

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