Hi Colin,

I can't do anything without being able to reproduce the issue.  Could
you provide a small set of data that reproduces the issue, and details
on your VPB/OSG versions, GDAL versions.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Colin Knowles<co...@k2vi.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently battling the same issue with VPB. But with a much higher 
> resolution data set , in the order of 12.5cm res terrain and 4cm imagery. 
> When viewed in other 3d software under WGS84 projection the terrain and 
> aerials line up 100% - however once passed through to VPBmaster the terrain 
> and aerials have some huge reprojection issues. The terrain has an offset of 
> up to 1m in places horizontally - this is very apparent because the terrain 
> is for a city scene and the footpaths have a 12.5cm vertical step in them.
> Along with the offset the terrain also no longer follows straight lines 
> (typical curb line between two corners) - and meanders back and forth 
> creating a jaggered edge.
> This has only just occured since we moved over to a Linux box so I'm 
> wondering if the GDAL's are at fault - our programmers currently looking into 
> it.
> Sorry I couldn't be of more help , but you are not alone on this one.
> Cheers,
> Colin
> K2VI.com
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