Hi Mach,

Terrapage databases usually have overly aggressive LOD range settings
so it culls out tiles complete at long distances.  As others have said
the default camera position in osgviewer is beyond the distance range
of many Terrapage databases so you have to zoom before it starts
paging in.   There is nothing wrong here, it's simply the way the
database is set up, and the fact that osgviewer is a general purpose
3D viewer so the default camera positions reflect what is appropriate
for the broadest range of 3D scenes.

W.r.t memory consumption unless you are in range of the LOD distances
you won't see any paging in at all, and the memory won't start
increasing either.  This is the OSG doing exactly what it's supposed
to, it's the whole point of database paging - you only load what is
required, and if the database says that a tile ain't in range it
simply won't load it.  Get in range of the LOD and things will
automatically start paging in.

For a simulator you'll be controlling the camera position to be within
the confines of the model any way so you'll see the terrain pop up.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Mach Bhai<sar...@dsi.co.ae> wrote:
> I tried changing both LOD and Eye point but it didn't work.
> As an after thought i opened task manager to monitor the memory consumption 
> of osgviewer and then loaded the txp file. There was no increase in memory 
> consumption which was a bit disappointing.
> Then i opened another simpler txp and the memory consumption just shot up.
> So i can conclude fairly that the osgviewer is not reading the txp file at 
> all.
> As of now i am looking at other viewers / options mentioned here. And i would 
> love to get more nudges in the right diection.
> Thank you all.
> ------------------
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