the png plugin is based on 3rd party libs. If you have used CMAKE make sure
the path for the 3rd party libs is correct. To me it looks like the png
plugin has not being compiled

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Alex Malhao <>wrote:

> Yes, you were right, there was a part missing, my mistake.
> There is one other thing bothering me, I think you might help:
> I've compiled the openscenegraph source  files (I already tried the new
> camera position, and it's working well). But, there is one thing that i
> don't know how to solve. When I try to load a osg map the following message
> appears:
> Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file
> "..\pics\temp.png".
> How can I solve this issue?
> Thank you!
> Regards.
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