On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Philip,
> I'm all for integrating CMakePorts support into OSG build.  I'm I
> correct in reading the cmakeports_osg.path that one would build the
> OSG and have the external libs build automatically when required?
> Currently .patch only lists jpeg, zlib and png.  Is this just a
> preliminary lists? Are others pending?

Hi Robert,

The way it is setup now you would enable an option and then pick the
directory where the ports exist on your system, then it would find any that
exist in the directory and build them if present.  I do not have it setup so
that it would try to build the port if you don't already have the dependency
but this is an interesting idea.  First I would have to determine a safe way
for Find3rdPartyDependencies.cmake and CMakePortsSearch.cmake to interact
with each other which currently does not exist.

Yes, only libjpeg, libpng, and zlib have been made available for the
moment.  freetype & glut have been done but need packaging/testing.  I also
plan to ensure this works for curl and tiff.

Philip Lowman
osg-users mailing list

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