Hi Umit,
Thanks for the answer. But I actually wondered if there are any finite element 
analysis kit compatible with OSG or has anyone coded a numerical analysis 
package (ie: linear decomposition, spectral decomposition, linear and/or 
nonlinear optimization, matrix analysis routiones) for the OSG distribution?

From: Ümit Uzun <umituzu...@gmail.com>
To: OpenSceneGraph Users <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 1:19:36 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OSG_FEM

Hi Ugras,

Actually I can't understand very well what you really want but you can look at 
http://www.simlab-soft.com/Products.html for modeling kit that can be used with 


Ümit Uzun

2009/9/28 Ugras Erdogan <ugraserdo...@yahoo.com>

Dear All,
>Would anyone suggest a finite element modeling kit that can be used with OSG? 
>I haven't noticed yet, but is there any numerical analysis package that is 
>bundled with OSG distribution?
>Best Regards,
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