Dear OSGlers,

is there a obvious way to tell osgViewer (Cocoa version of recent trunk)
to leave the menubar alone? I guess the code is still experimental - so
would it be possible to add this functionality? Attached a screenshot that
shows the result of combining wxOSX (Cocoa) and a standard
osgViewer::Viewer (also Cocoa).

This was part of my investigation into updating my application. GUI
toolkit is done in wxWidgets, rendering osg - I actually wanted to get the
viewer integrated with the GUI again, not separate like in the image
attached. A few observations:

1) using wxOSX (2.9 configure flag --with-osx_cocoa) and trunk of osg
compiled with Cocoa viewer
- method with GraphicsWindowCocoa - I derived from
GraphicsWindowCocoa::WindowData and set the NSView to the one retrieved
from my underlying control (wxControl derived) - the result is a window
~64x64 in the left top corner, regardless of the constructor flags I set.
- method with setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow - the canvas ends up somewhere
on the screen whole application gets stuck - I tried to use either
timerbased or idleloop based update via _viewer->frame() 
- method with external viewer: see attached image, the menubar gets
- method with GraphicsCanvas (derived from osgviewerWX) - mixed bag, I get
an occasionally stuck GUI. For instance MenuItems don't highlight but can
be selected.

2) using wxOSX (2.9 configure flag --with-osx_carbon) and branch 2.8 of
OSG (carbon viewer)
- GraphicsCanvas seems the only way to get it working proper

I had to swap harddrive yesterday and went the whole plunge for SL -
fighting now with STL problems reported earlier - I can't seem to be able
to load files in "Release" but all works fine in "Debug" (this is for OSG
2.8 combined with wxWidgets 2.8) - it almost feels like Visual Studio now -
sigh :(


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

<<attachment: wxOSX_OSG_trunk.png>>

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