Hi Ulrich,

Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
> On 16/10/09 6:37 PM, Cory Riddell wrote:
>> Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Yes, CPUs usually have their own caches and data can be different in
>>> the different caches.  However, this isn't what synchronization is
>>> solving.  This problem (cache coherency) is handled by the hardware.
>>> The reason you need to do locking is because two threads (which may or
>>> may not run on separate cores) might alter the same data in ways so
>>> that the result is no longer sane.
>> ...
>> I thought cache coherency depended on cues from the software. For
>> example, acquiring or releasing a mutex forces any pending writes to
>> complete then flushed the caches, marking a value as volatile prevented
>> any caching, etc... Is this wrong?
> No, a mutex doesn't affect the cache (other than side effects) - the
> mutex doesn't know what area of memory (variables) it is locking. 
> It's only there to assure that nooneelse enters the critical section
> at the same time.

You're right, of course. I was confusing cache flushing with simple
memory barriers (which, I believe, is what a mutex provides).

> Marking a variable as 'volatile' means that it's read from memory
> every time it is accessed (the compiler won't attempt to read it into
> a register).  The idea is that someone else (another thread or
> hardware) might modify the value.
> 'volatile' an be used in some cases instead of a lock, for example if
> one thread writes a bool (to indicate some event) and another thread
> only reads that value.
Yep. It turns out that whenever I write some code using a volatile to
avoid synchronizing, I invariably end up replacing it with a mutex
protected block because a volatile write is not a memory barrier.
Usually, it's some variation of this pseudo code:

volatile bool isValid = 0
int i = 0

// in thread 1
acquire mutex
  i = 42
  isValid = true
release mutex

// in thread 2
if (isValid)
  use i

This doesn't work because setting i and isValid inside the critical
section may be reordered.

Do I have this right?

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