Kim Bale wrote:
> Forgive me if this a rather naive question, but is the output from
> osgDEM dependant on the version of osg vpb was built against. i.e.
> will my terrain db built with vpb 0.9.10 and osg 2.8.2 work with other
> versions?

  .osg files are forward compatible and in limited cases backward compatible 
(as long as
the older OSG has all the necessary feature support).

  .ive files ar coded with the file version they are built by, and will not be 
loaded by
any other version of OSG.

  You can convert between IVE and OSG with osgconv.

> Cheers,
> Kim.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon
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