
Until the XCode files can be removed I would recommend simply substituting
version numbers in by hand.

Also, is there a list of what's holding up switching to CMake in regards to
XCode support?

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Robert Osfield

> Hi Alberto,
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Alberto Luaces <> wrote:
> > I think we should remove Version, because things are not working
> > now. What it is getting installed is the old Version file. I did the
> > test of modifying it with some incorrect values and I could verify that
> > those values were present on the file copied by the installation
> > process.
> Are you talking about an out of source build here?  An in source build
> certainly works from the testing I've done, but I haven't tested an
> out of source build yet.
> > IMHO the fixes would be either to remove Version and put the output of
> > the configured in its place, PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR, as my
> > snippet showed, or to write an install rule to copy the configured
> > after the build from the binary directory.
> Removing Version from include/osg/Version would break the hand
> maintained XCode projects, and force it to have it's own local copy of
> Version which would be a backwards step all round.   So if we remove
> Version then we really have to kick the XCode projects to touch as
> well.
> Assuming the problem you are seeing is down to an out of source build
> then the short term solution is the simple change the location that
> the autogenerated Version to be place in the PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR.
> You've never said it explictly but I presume you mean this to get rout
> the out of source build issue.
> Robert.
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