Hi Paul,

I have a system with four displays arranged as a 2x2 powerwall. If I simply bring up "osgviewer cow.osg", osgViewer seems to think that the four displays are arranged horizontally. That seems like a fine default assumption.

Yes, I've seen this too. On Windows (and I expect on Linux and OSX too) there's an API call you can make to get the actual offset of a screen, so you can detect how the screens are physically arranged (as long as the system's display properties are set correctly of course). We use this in our software to set up layouts like the one you want, and I was thinking of submitting a modification to osgViewer (probably GraphicsWindowWin32) to take this into account.

But yeah, if you can find a way to make a config file that will do it as you want, that will be a good solution. And simpler than autodetecting correctly :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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