Yeah, I found it -- in the examples. just looking in the wrong place. duh!

thanks very much.


2009/12/17 Charles Cossé <>

> Ted,
> The code I directed you to is pure C++, and nothing Python about it.
> -C
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:33 PM, ted morris <> wrote:
>> hi Charles,
>> thanks for sharing that. Actually this is in VC++ and not Python.
>> -ted
>> 2009/12/17 Charles Cossé <>
>> Ted,
>>> I have some example code on my website:
>>> I did a lot of work getting OSG and WX to coexist nicely ...  this actual
>>> code depends on Geant4 toolkit as well, in order to compile, but the
>>> embedded OSGCanvas stuff is fairly well kept separate throughout the code.
>>> -Charles Cosse
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:55 AM, ted morris <>wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> This will only make sense for those who have worked with wxWindows
>>>> and OSG.
>>>> I'm trying to include the OSGCanvas widget as part of a wxBoxSizer.
>>>> For example, adding a wxPanel with controls below the OSGCanvas
>>>> in the main wxFrame.
>>>> I'm rather new to wxWindows. I started working off from the example
>>>> supplied with the distro. My guess is that widget pointers are
>>>> going on the stack instead of the heap but I just can't nail down the
>>>> problem.  Would anyone out there be willing to share an example
>>>> snippet the illustrates the idea?
>>>> I'm programming under winXP, using MSVS 2008 (v9).
>>>> thanks in advance for any advise, examples, or help!
>>>> cheers,
>>>> t
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