2010/1/6 Mike Greene <mgre...@hiwaay.net>

I have a view with two cameras - a HUD camera and a regular 3D perspective
> camera. I have my scene set up so that I can vary the alpha of the HUD
> (drawn with a polygon) so that I can see the 3D view behind at various
> intensities. What I would like to be able to do is have some of the 3D
> components drawn at full brightness while the HUD is also fully opaque. I
> tried using renderbins, but I think the problem is that the HUD and the 3D
> items are seen with different cameras. Is there a way to accomplish this?
The important calls for setting up a hud camera are:

      camera->setViewport(x, y, w, h);

And maybe also:

If that doesn't resolve it, you'll need to post some code and a screenshot.

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