Hi Agos,

We can change your name from "Agostinho Silva" to "Agos Silva", if you like so. 
However we can not just remove the last part of your name, because we should 
stay fair in respect to other people. The main reason, why everybody is asked 
to have both names, is that this forum is connected to the mailing list. Forum 
came almost 10 years after the mailing list, so the most community members 
were/are concentrated around the mailing list. The main contributors and 
authors of OSG are also prefer to use mailing list except of the forum.

Usually the communication in the mailing list is done through mail clients, 
which are set up to put realname in the from header. So the community is used 
to know both names of a person who is acting on the list. Forum introduced some 
kind of anonymity (nicknames except of real names) which was not that well 
accepted in the community. Hence we decided to force every forum user to follow 
the same netiquette rules as established over the last years during the mailing 
list age. 

I hope you and other people will understand that.

best regards

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