
I am trying to implement a particle system residing on the GPU using vertex 
buffer objects and transform feedback. Currently, my plan for achieving this 
looks like this:

1 - Define two VBOs

2 - Render vertex buffer 1 and let a geometry shader update vertex (particle) 
positions, size, and whatnot.
3 - Store the updated vertices in vertex buffer 2 using transform feedback
4 - Render VB 2 using a second geometry shader, creating billboards out of the 
points in the buffer.
5 - Swap buffers 1 and 2.

However, I am not sure how exactly to go about this using OSG. It turns out 
this was much harder to do than I anticipated :)

For starters, I extended osg::Drawable, which seemed like to the most 
straightforward approach. Instead of using DrawElement/DrawArrays (for which I 
didn't find a way to swap buffers) I figured I'd create two seperate 
osg::VertexBufferObject fields and use them by "manually" binding the buffers 
and drawing them. Like so: 


// Init

mVertices = new osg::Vec4Array(); // A couple of vertices for testing purposes
mVertices->push_back(osg::Vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
mVertices->push_back(osg::Vec4(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

// Just showing one VBO for clarity
mVbo1 = new osg::VertexBufferObject();


// Render

/* snip */


state.bindVertexBufferObject(mVbo1->getGLBufferObject(state.getContextID()) );

glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, mVertices->size());

Unfortunately, this resulted in the following error messages


Error: glGenBuffers not supported by OpenGL driver
Error: glBindBuffer not supported by OpenGL driver
Error: glBufferData not supported by OpenGL driver
Error: glBufferData not supported by OpenGL driver

which, after a quick look at the source, seems to have something do with the 
proper extensions not being initialized... Any ideas?

Secondly, as OSG to my knowledge doesn't have native support for transform 
feedback, I figured to use Glew to access the needed functions 
(glBeginTransformFeedback, glEndTransformFeedback, etc). However, glewInit() 
fails to initialize properly and the basic gist of [another thread] is that you 
shouldn't use glew. 8) So what options do I have?

I realize that I am quite vague in my description but I'm just fishing for a 
bit of information on how to do these things the OSG way. If there is a better 
way, please let me know! :)

As for version, I am using OSG 2.9.6



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