When running on Windows 7/Vista using accelerated graphics, and when resizing a 
window, an  MFC OSG window flashes a lot and "phantom" bits of the window frame 
are left behind while resizing. The same is seen when using an MFC CRectTracker 
and TrackRubberBand on the OSG 3D window, the old Rect is not properly erased 
and the tracks of the box are left behind.

None of this is seen on XP/XP64 and is not specific to a particular graphics 
card vendor. If you log onto the Windows 7 machine via RDC ( which causes a 
default OpenGL software driver to be used) these issues are not visible.

This is , I am sure , and old Vista issue , but in our field (CAE) not a single 
user 'upgraded' to Vista - they are upgrading to W7...

Thanks for any ideas....

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