fausto wrote:
> Hi Robert, all,
> I've read a post (I think started by Robert, but I cannot find the link 
> anymore) of some months ago that proposed a development aimed to improve the 
> osg->Qt integration. 
> Is there anything being done on this subject?
> Thanks.
> Fausto
>  ------------------
> Post generated by Mail2Forum

That would be something I would have liked to looked at also. 

As for me I converted the OSGQt widget code that they did for the QTviewer and 
made a class that I could add to a frame on any qt dialog and it worked fine 
for me. 
The only change I made is that I have to make over time is that have a 15 ms 
delay on the timer for qt version 4.5.2 and higher (other than the 5 ms delay - 
I think). 
I guess that QT need this otherwise I get funny behavior on some of the 
built-in dialogs - the change is also in the OSG 2.8.1 code (Robert may know 
better than I why it there)!

I also had to change and echo some of the QT mouse functions to be visible to 

Oh Yea! a can also set it up so it makes an stand-alone window. The only thing 
that it can't do is fill the screen, but I don't need that for now - I'm sure 
that there is an easy way to do that! 

Other than that, It all works fine for me!

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